Articles on: [Version 2.0 Eng] Contribution

[Version 2.0] How MySyarikat System Calculate EPF Contribution (EPF Automatic)

MySyarikat calculates EPF contribution by following the table of contributions that have been provided by KWSP.

For further information, can refer the link below :

Question : How it's been calculated in the system?

Click the blue eyes icon. 'How did we calculate this?' This button will provide the explanations for the amount:

1) Calculation based on staff basic salary

2) MySyarikat system set fixed for 11% employee contribution. HR/Admin is able to customize the percentage by clicking Other on EPF Employee column and EPF Employer column

Note : Percentage for Deduction EPF Employee & Deduction EPF Employer needs to be fill in to avoid any error when calculating the deduction for EPF

3) To set the rate manually, HR can refer the table Contribution Rate in KWSP portal

Updated on: 06/03/2024

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