Articles on: [Version 2.0 Eng] Performance & Evaluation

[Version 2.0] How To Set Self Evaluation Method Appraisal In MySyarikat Website

How to Set Self Evaluation Method Appraisal in the MySyarikat Website

To set the Self Evaluation Method Appraisal in the MySyarikat website, HR/Admin can refer to the following steps:

Step 1: Click Evaluation
Step 2: Click Create Appraisal

Step 3: In the Appraisal Title column, enter the desired title

Note: This section must be filled in by HR/Admin

Step 4: In the Appraisal Description column, enter the desired information

Note: This section must be filled in by HR/Admin

Step 5: In the Start date column, enter the desired date

Note: This section must be filled in by HR/Admin
Note: HR/Admin can only set upcoming dates. The MySyarikat system does not allow to set the latest & last date

Step 6: In the Appraisal category (optional) column, enter the desired category

Note: HR/Admin has the option to enter the category or not

Step 7: Click Save & Continue

Note: If you click Save & Draft, the form will be saved in the Draft column

Step 8: In the Evaluation Form column, select the desired Form

Note: This section must be filled in by HR/Admin

Note: If you want to set a new Evaluation Form, HR/Admin can click + Create new evaluation form

Step 9: In the Evaluation Method column, select Self Evaluation

Note: In the Reviewer Level 1, Reviewer Level 2 & Enable external reviewer column, HR/Admin cannot make any selection because this function has been disabled for Self Evaluation Method

Step 10: In the Department column, enter the desired Department

Note: This section must be filled in by HR/Admin

Step 11: In the Employee column, select the desired staff name

Step 12: Click Save & Continue

Note: If necessary, to make changes to the Appraisal Details section, HR/Admin can click Edit Details

Note: If necessary, to make changes to the Appraisal Setting section, HR/Admin can click Edit Details

Step 13: Once all the information is complete, HR/Admin can click Publish Appraisal

Updated on: 15/05/2024

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